23 Thornaby Town Deal Update PDF 224 KB
Additional documents:
1. Title of Item/Report
Thornaby Town Deal Update
2. Record of the Decision
Consideration was given to a report that provided an update on progress made in the development and delivery of priority interventions that would be delivered across Thornaby, under the Town Deal programme.
Members were reminded that Thornaby had been identified as one of 101 towns to be included as part of the Government’s Town Deal Programme and in March 2021 was allocated £23.9m of investment funding to support transformational change across the town.
In Thornaby Town Centre, work, to date, had focused on the opportunities to address the impact of long-term vacant properties, namely Phoenix House and the Golden Eagle. In January 2022 the Council took control of Phoenix House, which was subsequently demolished in 2023, providing a cleared site for redevelopment.
Cabinet noted that the Council owned the freehold of Thornaby Town Centre, including the Golden Eagle building. The Council’s freehold interest was subject to a 150-year lease to LCP Proudreed, with 134 years unexpired, essentially making them owners of the town centre by virtue of the length of their lease. East Eye Limited held a 99-year lease, with a 42 years unexpired term on the Golden Eagle building, directly from LCP Proudreed.
Progress has been made regarding seeking to secure control of the Golden Eagle, namely by agreeing in-principle and subject to Cabinet approval, the surrender of the two leasehold interests in the building.
Once the leasehold interests have been acquired, the Council would be able to proceed with the demolition of the building, which had been identified as a priority since the Let’s Talk About Our Towns consultation in 2020 and subsequent business case documentation linked to Town Deal approval.
An independent valuation had been undertaken alongside an assessment of the likely cost of pursuing a Compulsory Purchase Order to secure the site. This advice had provided a basis for negotiations on acquisitions of the two leasehold interests.
The Council, with support from specialist property advisors, had reached agreement to acquire the leasehold interests. Detail of the considerations within the negotiation and agreed values for acquisition of leasehold interests were provided in an exempt Appendix A, to the report.
As part of the negotiations to unlock the Golden Eagle site, the current long leaseholder, requested that a condition of the surrender of their lease was the sale of the Council’s freehold interest in Thornaby Town Centre. This proposal had formed part of the agreement in place with the long leaseholder LCP Proudreed and the full terms of the disposal and conditions were detailed in the exempt Appendix A.
Cabinet had previously approved the principal of the construction of a new swimming pool on the former Phoenix House site. It was explained that following discussion with Tees Active Leisure and Thornaby Town Deal Board, there had been a desire, from an operational and local level, to see enhanced gym provision included within the scope of work.
This opportunity has been explored and it was proposed ... view the full decision text for item 23
Consideration was given to a report that provided an update on progress made in the development and delivery of priority interventions that would be delivered across Thornaby, under the Town Deal programme.
Members were reminded that Thornaby had been identified as one of 101 towns to be included as part of the Government’s Town Deal Programme and in March 2021 was allocated £23.9m of investment funding to support transformational change across the town.
In Thornaby Town Centre, work, to date, had focused on the opportunities to address the impact of long-term vacant properties, namely Phoenix House and the Golden Eagle. In January 2022 the Council took control of Phoenix House, which was subsequently demolished in 2023, providing a cleared site for redevelopment.
Cabinet noted that the Council owned the freehold of Thornaby Town Centre, including the Golden Eagle building. The Council’s freehold interest was subject to a 150-year lease to LCP Proudreed, with 134 years unexpired, essentially making them owners of the town centre by virtue of the length of their lease. East Eye Limited held a 99-year lease, with a 42 years unexpired term on the Golden Eagle building, directly from LCP Proudreed.
Progress has been made regarding seeking to secure control of the Golden Eagle, namely by agreeing in-principle and subject to Cabinet approval, the surrender of the two leasehold interests in the building.
Once the leasehold interests have been acquired, the Council would be able to proceed with the demolition of the building, which had been identified as a priority since the Let’s Talk About Our Towns consultation in 2020 and subsequent business case documentation linked to Town Deal approval.
An independent valuation had been undertaken alongside an assessment of the likely cost of pursuing a Compulsory Purchase Order to secure the site. This advice had provided a basis for negotiations on acquisitions of the two leasehold interests.
The Council, with support from specialist property advisors, had reached agreement to acquire the leasehold interests. Detail of the considerations within the negotiation and agreed values for acquisition of leasehold interests were provided in an exempt Appendix A, to the report.
As part of the negotiations to unlock the Golden Eagle site, the current long leaseholder, requested that a condition of the surrender of their lease was the sale of the Council’s freehold interest in Thornaby Town Centre. This proposal had formed part of the agreement in place with the long leaseholder LCP Proudreed and the full terms of the disposal and conditions were detailed in the exempt Appendix A.
Cabinet had previously approved the principal of the construction of a new swimming pool on the former Phoenix House site. It was explained that following discussion with Tees Active Leisure and Thornaby Town Deal Board, there had been a desire, from an operational and local level, to see enhanced gym provision included within the scope of work.
This opportunity has been explored and it was proposed that the scheme include the creation of a 25m 5-lane swimming pool at ... view the full minutes text for item 23