13 Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation PDF 301 KB
Additional documents:
1. Title of Item/Report
Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation
2. Record of the Decision
Consideration was given to a report Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation
A report was presented to Cabinet in October 2023, which sought approval to commence consultation on the proposed implementation of Selective Licensing in 3 areas of the borough Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown. This decision was informed by an evidence based assessment (Appendix 1 of the report ‘Selective Licensing Scheme Proposal’ and Appendix 2 of the report the ‘Supporting Evidence Base’) informed by relevant Government Guidance (DLUHC Selective Licensing in the private rented sector: a guide for local authorities’ updated June 2023). At this meeting, Cabinet granted approval ‘in principle’ to pursue a Selective Licensing scheme in Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown and for a programme of public consultation to be undertaken.
This report detailed the consultation process undertaken, the responses received, and the considerations given to the views/representations received.
With regard to consultation in total 231 completed questionnaires were received, 12 email responses and 3 written replies from organisations representing landlord groups (the PLuSS, National Residential Landlords Association and safeagent). Appendix 3 of the report ‘Selective Licensing Consultation Findings Report’ provided a detailed breakdown of responses on a question-by-question basis (broken down by respondent group). The open questionnaire responses, the 12 email responses and the NRLA, PLuSS and safeagent replies were also analysed and were reported separately as detailed in Appendix 4 of the rport, which also details the Council’s considerations and response/s to the comments received.
With regard to the next steps, should Cabinet agree to proceed with Selective Licensing this would trigger a formal notification by way of a designation notice, which must be followed by a period of at least 3 months before any scheme can come into effect. Following the issue of the designation notice Cabinet were asked to delegate authority to the Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration to set a date for license applications to be invited and processed. Once effective, the scheme would be in place for a period of 5 years, subject to periodic reviews.
To deliver Selective Licensing it was important that appropriate and suitably qualified staff were appointed. Phased recruitment would commence once a final Cabinet decision had been made, phased recruitment would allow the team to ‘flex’ depending on the number of Selective Licensing applications received.
Large detailed maps of the designated areas were available to view by Members at the meeting.
1. It be noted that the consultation programme undertaken with the aim of ensuring that the Council took “reasonable steps to consult with person who are likely to be affected by the designation” as required by Section 80(9) of the Housing Act 2004, and in accordance with Government guidance. The consultation process undertaken is detailed in the ‘Selective Licensing Consultation Findings Report’ Appendix 3 chapter 2 of the report).
2. It be noted ... view the full decision text for item 13
Consideration was given to a report Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation
A report was presented to Cabinet in October 2023, which sought approval to commence consultation on the proposed implementation of Selective Licensing in 3 areas of the borough Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown. This decision was informed by an evidence based assessment (Appendix 1 of the report ‘Selective Licensing Scheme Proposal’ and Appendix 2 of the report the ‘Supporting Evidence Base’) informed by relevant Government Guidance (DLUHC Selective Licensing in the private rented sector: a guide for local authorities’ updated June 2023). At this meeting, Cabinet granted approval ‘in principle’ to pursue a Selective Licensing scheme in Central Stockton, North Thornaby and Newtown and for a programme of public consultation to be undertaken.
This report detailed the consultation process undertaken, the responses received, and the considerations given to the views/representations received.
With regard to consultation in total 231 completed questionnaires were received, 12 email responses and 3 written replies from organisations representing landlord groups (the PLuSS, National Residential Landlords Association and safeagent). Appendix 3 of the report ‘Selective Licensing Consultation Findings Report’ provided a detailed breakdown of responses on a question-by-question basis (broken down by respondent group). The open questionnaire responses, the 12 email responses and the NRLA, PLuSS and safeagent replies were also analysed and were reported separately as detailed in Appendix 4 of the rport, which also details the Council’s considerations and response/s to the comments received.
With regard to the next steps, should Cabinet agree to proceed with Selective Licensing this would trigger a formal notification by way of a designation notice, which must be followed by a period of at least 3 months before any scheme can come into effect. Following the issue of the designation notice Cabinet were asked to delegate authority to the Director of Adults, Health & Wellbeing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration to set a date for license applications to be invited and processed. Once effective, the scheme would be in place for a period of 5 years, subject to periodic reviews.
To deliver Selective Licensing it was important that appropriate and suitably qualified staff were appointed. Phased recruitment would commence once a final Cabinet decision had been made, phased recruitment would allow the team to ‘flex’ depending on the number of Selective Licensing applications received.
Large detailed maps of the designated areas were available to view by Members at the meeting.
1. It be noted that the consultation programme undertaken with the aim of ensuring that the Council took “reasonable steps to consult with person who are likely to be affected by the designation” as required by Section 80(9) of the Housing Act 2004, and in accordance with Government guidance. The consultation process undertaken is detailed in the ‘Selective Licensing Consultation Findings Report’ Appendix 3 chapter 2 of the report).
2. It be noted that the outcome of the consultation process as detailed in Appendix 3 ‘Consultation Findings Report’ and the Council’s ... view the full minutes text for item 13