Issue - meetings

22/2579/FUL Land At Wynyard Village, Erection of 135 residential dwellings with associated landscaping and ancillary works.

Meeting: 08/05/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 14)

14 22/2579/FUL Land At Wynyard Village, Erection of 135 residential dwellings with associated landscaping and ancillary works. pdf icon PDF 444 KB

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Consideration was given to planning application 22/2579/FUL Land at Wynyard Village.


The application site was situated towards the south west of the existing Wynyard residential estate and parkland surrounding Wynyard Hall. The land predominately consisted of a series of agricultural fields with woodland plantations (conifers).


The site had previously benefited from an outline application with all matters reserved was approved for the construction of up to 500 houses, Primary School (inc Sport Facilities) and nursery, Retail Units (up to 500 sqm), Doctors Surgery, Community Facilities, access and associated landscaping, footpaths and open space under application refence 13/0342/EIS. That application has been developed without this area of land being required and was included as a housing commitment site within the adopted Local Plan.


A further outline planning approval with all matters reserved except access for residential development for up to 130 units and new local centre was agreed by planning committee and approved in December 2022 with the subsequent reserved matters planning application (ref; 22/2561/REM) for the housing element being approved last summer. In March an application for that local centre was submitted and remains under consideration (ref; 24/0430/REM).


The application sought planning approval for 135 residential properties and would provide a mix of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroomed properties which were predominately two storey in scale, although 11 of the properties would be single storey. The submitted plans indicated the application being developed by the applicant Cameron Hall Developments and Banks Homes.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concluded that the proposed development site sat within the defined settlement limits and was identified as an area of housing land within the Local Plan and Wynyard Masterplan. It was acknowledged that the proposals would result in an addition 135 units coming forward and that combined with an additional phase already approved (refs; 20/2408/OUT, 22/2561/REM and 23/0888/OUT) this would result in an uplift in housing of 267 units compared to the local plan housing commitment. However, the overall density along this housing commitment would remain less than 10 dwellings per hectare and would retain the ‘executive housing’ character of Wynyard Village.


As detailed within the officer’s report, the proposed development was considered to be visually acceptable, and it was not considered that the proposed development would have any adverse impacts on levels of residential amenity or highway safety to justify a refusal of the application.


The proposed scheme was therefore in accordance with the relevant local and national planning policies and was recommended for approval subject to those conditions outlined within the report with the final wording of those conditions delegated to the Planning Services Manager to allow for minor amendments to working to allow for phasing.


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