Issue - meetings

22/1387/FUL Land At The South-East Corner Of Wynyard Business Park, Wynyard, Erection of mixed-use development to include Use Classes E, B2, B8 and Sui Generis and the provision of associated access, car parking, servicing areas, landscaping, enclos

Meeting: 06/03/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 59)

59 22/1387/FUL Land At The South-East Corner Of Wynyard Business Park, Wynyard, Erection of mixed-use development to include Use Classes E, B2, B8 and Sui Generis and the provision of associated access, car parking, servicing areas, landscaping, enclosures, drainage and infrastructure. pdf icon PDF 486 KB

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Consideration was given to planning application 22/1387/FUL, Land at the South East Corner of Wynyard Business Park , Wynyard.


Planning permission was sought for the erection of mixed-use development to include Use Classes E, B2, B8 and Sui Generis and the provision of associated access, car parking, servicing areas, landscaping, enclosures, drainage, and infrastructure.


The application site laid within an area designated in the Adopted Stockton Local Plan for general employment use. Policy EG1(c) identified 37ha of land at Wynyard as a high quality strategic inward investment location for office (B1 Use Class) manufacturing and engineering (B2 Use Class) and logistics use (B8 Use Class) providing opportunities for major employers to locate to the Tees Valley. The B2 and B8 uses were therefore considered to be compliant with the allocated use. However, the proposed supermarket, drive thru’s and battery storage would be considered to be a departure from the Local Plan. It was this departure which required the application to be presented to planning committee.


The Wynyard Masterplan, adopted in November 2019, was prepared in support of Local Plan Policy H3 'Wynyard Sustainable Settlement’. Its purpose was to provide a comprehensive approach to the delivery of the Local Plan allocations in both Stockton and Hartlepool, guiding future development to deliver the vision for a sustainable settlement at Wynyard.


Whilst the site would result in a partial departure, it was of note that the site benefited from an extent permission in 2008 (08/0538/REM) for 97,135sqm of B1 space, 15,171 sqm of B8 space and 4, 644sqm B2 space. Whilst a lawful start was made the application had never progressed beyond its implementation.


The application had sought to demonstrate that the partial loss of employment land would not undermine the Local Plan aspirations to deliver high quality strategic inward investment opportunities for major employers to locate to the Tees Valley. Officers were satisfied that the provision of out of centre retail provision would not have a significant adverse impact upon existing centres.


Whilst not in strict accordance with the Local Plan and Masterplan it was considered that the proposed development would not undermine the Local Plan and would still have significant employment benefits to the Borough through the development of this site.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concluded that in view of the considerations outlined within the Officers report, it was considered that there were no adverse impacts which significantly and demonstrably outweighed the benefits of granting planning permission in this case. Members were advised that as part of the application was a departure from the development plan it had been referred to the Secretary of State to decide whether to call the application in. It was therefore recommended  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59