Issue - meetings

23/0899/LBC 111 High Street, Yarm, Stockton-On-Tees Listed building consent for the erection of a first floor rear extension to include internal alterations for the creation of a doorway.

Meeting: 06/03/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 61)

61 23/0899/LBC 111 High Street, Yarm, Stockton-On-Tees Listed building consent for the erection of a first floor rear extension to include internal alterations for the creation of a doorway. pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Additional documents:


For the discussion of this item please see above.


RESOLVED that planning application 23/0899/LBC be approved subject to the following conditions and informative;


01 Time Limit

The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of Three years from the date of this permission.


02 Approved Plans

The development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the following approved plan(s); Page 121


Plan Reference Number                                         Date Received

2097-23-100 REV B                                    18 May 2023

2097-23-101 REV C                                                28 July 2023


03 Works of making good

All new external and internal works and finishes and works of making good shall match the existing original work adjacent in respect of materials used, detailed execution, and finished appearance except where indicated otherwise on the drawings hereby approved or otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning authority.


04 Details of proposed external materials

Notwithstanding the submitted information details of all external finishing materials including samples (as appropriate) shall first be approved in writing with the Local Planning Authority prior to that element of the works been installed at site.




Informative: Working Practices

The Local Planning Authority has worked in a positive and proactive manner and sought solutions to problems arising in dealing with the planning application by seeking a revised scheme to overcome issues and by the identification and imposition of appropriate planning conditions.