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Consideration was given to planning application 22/0334/EIS Land At Summerville Farm, Harrowgate Lane, Stockton-on-Tees.
The application site was located on the western fringe of Stockton and formed part of the West Stockton Strategic Urban Extension (WSSUE) which totalled 2,150 new homes across the Local Plan period. The application site formed one of the larger parcels of land within the northern parcel of the Strategic Urban Extension which was situated to south of Letch Lane and north of Outwood Academy.
A hybrid planning permission was sought, with part of the proposals seeking a full planning approval for 385 dwellings with associated infrastructure and the second element seeking outline planning approval for 285 dwellings. The planning application was supported by an Environmental Statement (ES) and was considered under the Environmental Impact Assessment regulations.
The detailed part of the proposed development would provide a mix of two, three and four bedroomed properties over a mix of small terraces, semi-detached and detached dwellings with a mix of tenure types. The outline part of the application sought consent forming the south western proportion of the site, with only the means of access being considered at this stage. Access into the site would be via two new access points from Harrowgate Lane which would serve each development parcel.
The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.
Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.
The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.
The Planning Officers report concluded that the application site formed part of the West Stockton Strategic Urban Extension which alongside housing delivery at Wynyard, the WSSUE formed a key housing site within the adopted Local Plan. The principle of housing on the site had already been accepted and established within the adopted Local Plan and therefore the proposed development was in accordance with those aims and requirements of the development plan. Delivery of housing on the site would also contribute to and help to maintain the Council’s delivery of 5 year housing land supply.
With regards to the detailed part of this planning application, the proposed appearance, scale and layout of the development was considered to be acceptable and would allow for the creation of a development which included an attractive environment and acceptable level of the amenity for future occupiers. Equally the development could be accommodated without any undue impact on the amenity of any adjacent neighbours and as detailed in the Officers report, there were no technical reasons why the proposals would be unacceptable.
As detailed within the main report, in view of the fact that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms (subject to the identified condition and the outcomes of any viability appraisal) the application was put before members to consider the agreement to the principle of the development with the outcomes of the viability of the appraisal being delegated ... view the full minutes text for item 41