Issue - meetings

22/2394/REV Land East Of 433 To 439, Thornaby Road, Thornaby Revised application for the erection of 1no detached dwelling and 1no detached bungalow to include associated external works including alterations to public right of way.

Meeting: 18/10/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 25)

25 22/2394/REV Land East Of 433 To 439, Thornaby Road, Thornaby Revised application for the erection of 1no detached dwelling and 1no detached bungalow to include associated external works including alterations to public right of way. pdf icon PDF 284 KB


Appendix 1, Proposed details

Appendix 2, Landscape

Appendix 3, Sound Maps

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a revised application 22/2394/REV Land East Of 433 To 439, Thornaby Road, Thornaby. Revised application for the erection of 1no detached dwelling and 1no detached bungalow to include associated external works including alterations to public right of way.


The application site was a large rectangular plot to the rear of 433-439 Thornaby Road which was currently vacant and largely has the appearance of wasteland. The site was surrounded by residential properties to the west and south, a commercial development lay to the north and a car garage was located immediately to the east. A public right of way ran through the site.


The application site has been subject to a number of previous planning applications for residential development, most recently planning permission was sought for two detached dwellings and associated external works (ref; 21/2749/FUL), which were refused for two reasons. The first related to the impact on the amenity of future occupiers of plot one due to an unsatisfactory and inappropriate relationship with the existing commercial/industrial use (garage). The second reason related to Nutrient Neutrality and the absence of any supporting information to demonstrate there was no increase in nitrates as a result of the development.


The proposals sought planning permission for the erection of two detached bungalow dwellings and the proposal included the re-routing of the public right of way and the widening of access from Thornaby Road.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concluded that the application site lay within the wider conurbation and the defined limits to development. Additionally, the application site lay near local services with a regular bus service within the vicinity. It iwas therefore considered to be a sustainable location for residential development.


It was noted that previous proposals for dwellings in similar locations albeit two storey dwellinghouses has been refused and dismissed on appeal. The current proposals differed in that they were single storey and the purpose of the proposed design was to create an ‘acoustic shadow’.


The layout of the development proposals also ensured satisfactory levels of amenity for neighbouring occupiers, adequate access and parking arrangements and there were no technical reasons to refuse the planning application, therefore the officers recommendation was to approve the application for the reasons as detailed within the main report.




RESOLVED that planning application 22/2394/REV be approved subject to the following conditions and informatives below;


Time Limit

01 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of Three years from the date of this permission.


Approved Plans

02 The development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the following approved plans;


Plan Reference Number    Date Received

1987-21-201 REV C          23 August 2023

1987-21-202 REV D          23 August 2023

1987-21-200  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25