Issue - meetings

23/1201/FUL Land To The East Of Cleasby Way, Eaglescliffe Creation of approximately 101no cark parking spaces to include 6no disability/accessible spaces and 10no electrical vehicle charging points any associated ancillary works to

Meeting: 18/10/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 24)

24 23/1201/FUL Land To The East Of Cleasby Way, Eaglescliffe. Creation of approximately 101no cark parking spaces to include 6no disability/accessible spaces and 10no electrical vehicle charging points any associated ancillary works to include a barrier and palisade fencing and new CCTV columns and erection of cycle store and substation. pdf icon PDF 296 KB


Appendix 1, Site Location Plan

Appendix 2, Site Context

Appendix 3, Site Layout

Appendix 4, Proposed Substation


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a revised application 22/2394/REV Land East Of 433 To 439, Thornaby Road, Thornaby.


The application sought planning permission for the creation of approximately 101no vehicle car- parking spaces to include the installation of 10no electric vehicle charging stations, 6no disability accessible spaces and associated ancillary works to include a barrier, 2-metre-high palisade fencing, CCTV columns, cycle store and substation.


This was a revised scheme from a previous permission at the site (Ref: 22/0664/FUL) which included an access road to the site from Cleasby Way which had been delivered as part of Phase 1 of the previous scheme; with the car park intended to be delivered as Phase 2 of the scheme. The main alterations from the previously approved scheme included changes to the layout of the car park and associated infrastructure in order to make the most efficient use of the available land whilst avoiding impacts on existing site features such as vegetation.


The creation of a large car park within the eastern portion of Durham Lane Industrial Park remained to serve Eaglescliffe Railway Station users and would be accessed by an enhanced pedestrian footbridge over the rail line which had been considered and approved separately under Prior Approval (Ref: 22/0904/DLO). In addition to this, the car park included footpaths which would allow the public access from Eaglescliffe Railway Station to the Durham Lane Industrial Park.


The application came before Members as it fell outside of the definition of ‘minor development’ due to the overall floor area proposed within the extension exceeding 500 sqm. To date, no comments to the proposed development had been received.


In summary, it was considered that the nature and scale of the development was acceptable and would not have a significant detrimental impact on the character of the Durham Lane Industrial Park. It was considered that the development would not have any significant undue impact on the amenity of neighbouring sites and would not lead to any significant levels of traffic and disturbance during its construction or its subsequent use.


The consultees that had been notified and the comments that had been received were detailed within the main report.


Neighbours were notified and the comments received were detailed within the main report.


The planning policies and material planning considerations that were relevant to the consideration of the application were contained within the main report.


The Planning Officers report concludes that overall, it was considered that the nature and scale of the development was acceptable in principle and would not adversely affect the character of the surrounding area, amenity or neighbouring occupiers or highway safety.


The proposed development would be in accordance with the wider aims of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council’s Local Plan to introduce a car parking facility on this designated land. The proposal was therefore considered to be in line with general planning polices set out on the Development Plan and The National Planning Policy Framework.


The application was therefore recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined within the main  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24