Additional documents:
The Select Committee considered a progress update including assessments of progress following implementation of the recommendations from the Tees Credit Union review.
The overall aim of the review had been to consider the operation of the Credit Union since its merger with Moneywise in 2017 to ensure that it was serving the needs of the people of the Borough and specifically supporting the vulnerable who rely on it for the provision of loans, banking services and savings accounts at reasonable rates.
This was the first time the update had been presented to the Committee. There were six outstanding recommendations.
The Committee
commended the report and the work of Council Officers, the Tees
Credit Union, and the Stockton & District Advice &
Information Service.
AGREED that:
1) the Progress Update be noted, and the assessments of progress be confirmed.
2) the Action Plan in relation to the recommendations from the previously completed Scrutiny review be signed-off as fully achieved (no further updates required).