Decision details

Subject to the statutory consultation process, approve the implementation of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order on Leven Road in Norton

Decision Maker: Director of Community Services, Environment and Culture

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Subject to the statutory consultation process, approve the implementation of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order on Leven Road in Norton, to revoke the existing on street 2 hours limited waiting no return within 2 hours Monday to Saturday between 9am and 5pm adjacent to numbers 16 to 24 on the north side. To introduce new no waiting at anytime restrictions applicable to the carriageway only adjacent to numbers 16 to 24 on the north side and also to replace the existing no waiting at anytime restrictions on the south side with no waiting at anytime restrictions applicable to the carriageway only.
The restrictions in the layby on the north side would not be affected and the length of the restrictions on the south side would remain at current extent.

Reasons for the decision:

Leven Road is a scheduled service bus route, its proximity to the High Street and businesses on the north side mean it is also used by large delivery vehicles. The proposed Traffic Order is to address the issue of parking on street in a limited waiting parking bay which causes congestion and obstruction to traffic flow particularly for larger vehicles. Residents raised the issue with Local Ward Councillors who requested options are investigated. The proposed Traffic Order is a result of the investigations that were carried out.

Alternative options considered:

As detailed in the associated report.



Publication date: 14/08/2024

Date of decision: 13/08/2024