Decision details

Subject to the statutory consultation process, approve the implementation of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order for a reduction in the length of an existing on street parking bay for Blue Badge holders and to implement new no waiting / no loading a

Decision Maker: Director of Community Services, Environment and Culture

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Subject to the statutory consultation process, approve the implementation of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order for a reduction in the length of an existing on street parking bay for Blue Badge holders and to implement new no waiting / no loading at anytime restrictions associated with a new access being constructed at Thistle Green in Stockton.
The amendment would introduce 2 bays for blue badge holders only. One area, at 14 metres long, at the northern end of the current bay plus one area approximately 19 metres long at the southern end of the current bay. In between these two areas it is proposed to implement new no waiting at anytime restrictions with no loading at anytime restrictions to cover the length across the new access and within the visibility splay on the west side of Thistle Green.

Reasons for the decision:

The proposed Traffic Order is associated with highway works for a new vehicular access on Thistle Green which forms part of the agreement for planning application 20/1005/FUL for 6 incurtilage / off street private parking spaces. The area is adjacent to the former Riverside Inn on the west side of Thistle Green in Stockton.
The application was approved in February 2021.

Alternative options considered:

As detailed in the associated report. The proposals are required in order to achieve a safe connection to the approved development.



Publication date: 06/02/2024

Date of decision: 03/01/2024