Meeting documents

Environment Select Committee (ceased 2015)
Monday 21st January, 2013 2.00 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
56  Draft Minutes - 10th December 2012
  Draft Minutes 
57  Task and Finish Review of Community Safety and Security Services
  Scope and Project Plan 
  Appendix A 
  Appendix B 
  Appendix C 
  Resident Survey 
  Community Safety Satisfaction Survey Results 
  Breakdown of Community Safety Audits 
  Community Safety Consultation 
  Analysis of Responses to Audit Consultation 2010 
  Example of Monthly Email 
  Example of Monthly Email Attachment 
  Example of Weekly Email 
  Community Protection Q2 2012 - 13 Performance Summary 
  Community Protection Q4 2011 - 12 Performance Summary 
  Complaints, Commendations, Compliments and Comments Q2 2011 - 12 
  Complaints, Commendations, Compliments and Comments 2011 - 12 
  Telecare Key Results 2011 - 12 
  Care Call Customer Satisfaction Survey April 2012 
  Care Call Customer Satisfaction Survey 
  Care Call Monthly Statistics 
  CQC Stockton Care Call Inspection Report 
  CCTV Assisted Arrests Breakdown 
  CCTV Performance 2012 - 13 
  Monthly Monitoring of Fixed Penalty Notices 
  Parking Enforcement Monthly Monitoring of PCN Issued 
  Viewpoint 32 
  Security Services Internal Audit Report 
  Security Services Internal Audit Report Performance Update 
  Crime Statistics Benchmarking