Meeting documents

Cleveland Police and Crime Panel
Tuesday 6th February, 2018 5.00 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
49  Minutes of the meetings held on 15 November 2017 and 23 January 2018
  Minutes 230118 
50  Appointment of Chief Constable
  Mike Barton Echo 
  Covering Letter Panel Report 
  Report of the Panel 
  Letter to Cllr Norma Stephenson 
  DRF Appointment 
51  Commissioner-s Police and Crime Plan - Update
52  Task and Finish Group - Overall Budget Strategy
53  Precept proposals for 2018/19
55  Commissioner-s Update
56  PCC-s Scrutiny Programme and Performance Report
  Performance Report 
57  Programme of Engagement for the Police and Crime Commissioner
58  Decision of the Police and Crime Commissioner
60  Forward Plan