Meeting documents

Cleveland Police and Crime Panel
Wednesday 5th February, 2014 5.00 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
52  Minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2013
53  Police and Crime Commissioner's Police and Crime Plan 2013 - 2017
54  Approach to the Budget Strategy - Task and Finish
  Cov Report 
55  The 2014/15 Precept Proposal
  Precept report 
  Scrutiny Guidance 
56  Quarterly Performance Report (October - December 2013)
57  Programme of Engagement
58  Decisions made by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland
59  Police and Crime Panel Conference
60  Forward Plan
61  Public Questions
62  Complaint
  Appendix 1
  Appendix 2
  Appendix 3
  Appendix 4
  Appendix 5
  Appendix 6
63  Complaint