Meeting documents

Cleveland Police and Crime Panel
Tuesday 3rd February, 2015 5.00 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
43  Evacuation Procedure/Mobile Phones
45  Minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2014
46  Minutes of the Complaints Sub Committee
48  Task and Finish Scrutiny Review - Review of Commissioner's Priorities
49  Police and Crime Commissioner's Police and Crime Plan 2015-2017
50  Task and Finish Scrutiny Review - Review of Overall Budget Strategy
51  The 2015/16 Precept Proposal
52  Quarter 3 Monitoring Report on Progress against the Police and Crime Plan
53  Decisions made by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland
54  Programme of Engagement for Police and Crime Commissioner
55  Appointment Process for Non Political Independent Members
  Annex 1 
  Annex 2 
  Annex 3 
  Annex 4 
  Annex 5 
  Annex 6 
56  Public Questions
57  Dates of future meetings