Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 19th January, 2022 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
47  Evacuation Procedure
49  21/0345/FUL - Land East Of Hanzard Drive, South Of Bloomfield Drive/Applecross And North Of Glenarm Drive, Wynyard, - Erection of local centre comprising of commercial use and 20no residential apartments to include associated - infrastructure works.
  Planning Committee report 
  Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Site Plan 
  Appendix 3 - Proposed floor Plan 
  Appendix 4 - Proposed elevations 
  Appendix 5 - Proposed plans and Elevations 
  Appendix 6 - Unit 4 Proposed Plans and Elevations 
  Appendix 7 - Units 5 - 6 proposed plans 
  Appendix 7- Unit 5 - 6 proposed elevations 
  Appendix 9 - Artists Visualisations 
  Appendix 10 - Proposed sections 
  Appendix 11 - Proposed Sunpath diagram 
  Update report 
50  21/2095/VARY - Land At Hunters Rest Farm, Urlay Nook Road, Eaglescliffe - Section 73 application to vary condition no1 (Approved Plans) of planning approval 19/2084/REM - Reserved - Matters application for the - Scale, Layout, Landscaping and Appearance of 108 dwellings.
  Planning Committee report 
  Appendix 1 - Site Location - Layout Plan 
  Appendix 2 Example Housetypes 
  Appendix 3 - Boundary details 
  Appendix 4 - Open space to east 
51  1. Appeal - Theakston Estate Limited - Land South Of Green Lane, East Of Railway Line, West Of A67 Yarm - 18/0910/OUT - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS
  1.. Appeal