Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 27th June, 2007 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
14  05/1561/REV - Corner Of Sadler Forster Way and Stockwell Avenue, Teesside Industrial Estate, Thornaby - Erection of storage building associated car parking and landscaping.
  Site Location Plan 
  Site Plan 
  Site of replacement pond 
  MFI letter 
15  07/0857/FUL - Ramsey Gardens and Nevern Crescent, Ingleby Barwick - Extension of roadways to boundary of Betty's Close Farm/proposed residential development
16  06/0823/OUT - Land north of Blair Avenue, Ingleby Barwick - Revised outline application for approval in principle of mixed use development with associated car parking and means of access and hard and soft landscaping
  Site Plan 
  Aerial Photo 
17  07/1007/LA - Roseworth Primary School, Rudyard Avenue, Stockton - Erection of new 420-place single storey primary school and 39-place nursery together with new private vehicular access road (illuminated), external play areas, playing fields and landscaping and new fencing. (Existing Infants and Junior Schools to be demolished once the replacement building is complete)
  Site layout plan 
  School layout plan 
  Elevations of School Building 
18  07/1237/VARY - Parkfield Redevelopment, at land at Alliance Street, Hind Street, Templar Street and Spring Street, Stockton-On-Tees. - Application under section 73 to vary condition no.2 (approved plans) of planning approval 05/3240/FUL (as amended by condition no.1 of 06/3180/VARY). Residential development comprising erection of 114 dwellings and associated car parking, means of access and landscaping (demolition of existing dwellings).
  Location Plan 
  Layout Plan 
  Elevations 1 
  Elevations 2 
  Elevations 3 
19  07/0943/FUL - Former Roseworth Public House, Redhill Road/Ragpath Lane, Roseworth - Erection of three storey apartment block comprising of 18 no. one bedroom apartments and 12 no. two bedroom apartments
  Location Plan 
  Layout Plan 
  Block Layout Plan 
  Appendix 2a Elevations 
  Appendix 2c Street Scene elevations 
20  07/0815/FUL - The Roundel, Mitchell Avenue, Thornaby - Construction of new paved seating area with 'jumbrellas'.
  Location Plan 
  Original Plan 
  Revised Plan 
21  Core StrategyDevelopment Plan Document Preferred Options - Local Development Framework
  Report relating to the Core Strategy Preferred Options paper 
  Core Strategy DPD Preferred Options paper Appendix A 
  Core Strategy DPD Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal Appendix B 
22  Regeneration Development Plan Doucment Options - Local Development Framework
  Report outlining issues and options for the Regeneration DPD 
  Regeneration DPD Options paper Appendix A 
  Regeneration DPD Sustainability Scoping Report Appendix B 
23  Local Development Framework: Yarm and Eaglescliffe Area Action Plan Issues and Options Consultation.
  Committee Report Yarm and Eaglescliffe Area Action PlanIssues and Options Consultation 
  Yarm and Eaglescliffe Area Action Plan Issues and Options Document 
  Sustainabiltiy Document Yarm and Eaglescliffe Area Action Plan Issues and Options 
24  1. Appeal - Mr A Powell - The Keys High Street Yarm - 06/2450/COU - ALLOWED - 2. Appeal - Clear Channel - Storage Compound Portrack Lane Junction Of Black Path - 06/3807/ADV - DISMISSED - 3. Appeal - Mr And Mrs J Basford - Sunnymount 19 South View Eaglescliffe - 06/2951/FUL - ALLOWED
  Appeal 1 
  Appeal 2 
  Appeal 3