Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 26th February, 2014 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
107  Evacuation Procedure.
109  Minutes
  Final Minutes 
110  13/3107/OUT - Land at Little Maltby Farm, Low Lane, Ingleby Barwick - Outline application for residential development of up to 550 dwellings, local centre up to 2500m2 and means of access
  Update report 
111  13/2626/REM - Land at Sandview and Sandgate The Rings, Ingleby Barwick - Application for reserved matters approval (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of dwellings
  Appendix 1 Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 Site Layout Sandview 
  Appendix 3 Site Layout Sandgate 
  Appendix 4 Landscape Plan Sandview 
  Appendix 5 Landscape Plan Sandgate 
  Appendix 6 House Type 
  Appendix 7 House Type 
  Appendix 8 Garage Type 
  Appendix 9 Bridleway 
112  14/0093/FUL - Billingham Community Centre The Causeway, Billingham - Proposed new public car park with associated landscaping, lighting, CCTV installation and new widened vehicular access and footpath from The Causeway
  Update Report 
113  13/2834/COU - Unit C, Appleyard Buildings, Master Road - Retrospective application for change of use to hand car wash (sui generis)
114  13/3034/FUL - The Masham 87 Hartburn Village Stockton - Commercial bin storage to rear of premises removing part of existing boundary fence and installation of proposed access gate, to allow for access into proposed bin store area only.
115  Five year housing supply 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2018 (3rd quarterly update report)
  Planning Committee report 
116  1. Appeal - J Baksh -184 Durham Road Stockton - 12/2780/FUL - DISMISSED - 2. Appeal - Mr A Bainbridge - 61A Harlsey Road Stockton - 13/0321/FUL - PART ALLOWED/PART DISMISSED
  Appeal 1. 
  Appeal 2.