Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 22nd February, 2017 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
104  Evacuation Procedure
107  Minutes from the meeting which was held on the 1st February 2017 for approval and signature
108  16/2445/FUL - Former Site of Blakeston School, Junction Road, Norton - Hybrid planning application comprising 1) full planning application for A1 retail food store with car parking and associated ancillary development and 2) outline permission for circa 80 dwellings and associated access with all other matters reserved
  HT& E Comments 
109  16/3022/REV - Land South Of Cayton Drive, Thornaby, - Revised application for reserved matters approval (appearance, landscaping, layout, access and scale) for the erection of 45 No. dwellings, access from Cayton Drive and ancillary works pursuant to outline planning consent ref:15/1466/OUT
  Appeal Decision 
  Update report 
  Update report 2 
110  16/1603/OUT - Car Park, Navigation Way, Thornaby - Outline application with some matters reserved except for access for the erection of up to 150 residential dwellings and associated access.
  Site Location Plan 
  Access Plan 
  Illustrative Master Plan 
  Precedent Studies 
  Update report 
111  1 - Appeal - Mersen Uk Teesside Limited - 2 Boltby Way, Durham Lane Industrial Park, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-On-Tees, TS16 0RH - 15/3067/RET - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS - 2- Appeal - Peter Nicholson - 8 Mill Lane, Norton, TS20 1LG - 16/1549/REV - DISMISSED - 3- Enforcement Appeal - Mr Mellor - Land North East Of 51, Mandale Road, Thornaby - DISMISSED - 4 - Appeal - Mandale Construction North Ltd - Land South Of Cayton Drive, Thornaby - 16/1024/REM - DISMISSED AND COSTS DISMISSED
  1 Appeal 
  2 Appeal 
  3 Enforcement Appeal 
  4 Costs Decision