Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 19th October, 2016 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
69  Evacuation Procedure
72  Minutes from the meeting which was held on the 7th September 2016
73  16/1978/FUL - High Middlefield Farm , Durham Road, Thorpe Thewles - Development of a battery operated facility of up to 49.95MW capacity to meet peak supply demands on the local distributed power network and/or balancing services to National Grid with associated ancillary equipment and infrastructure
  committee report 
  Appendix A wider location plan 
  Appendix B Location plan 
  appendix C site layout 
  Apeendix d Building elevations 
  appendix e cross section 
  appendix f - photomontage 
  Update Report 
  Power Station Plan 
74  16/1024/REM - Land South Of Cayton Drive, Thornaby, - Application for reserved matters approval (appearance, landscaping, layout, access and scale) for the erection of 45 No. dwellings, access from Cayton Drive and ancillary works pursuant to outline planning consent ref:15/1466/OUT
  Appendices 1-3 
  Appendix 4 
  Appendix 5 
75  15/3122/FUL - Townend Farm, Whitton, Stockton-on-Tees - Erection of a detached dormer bungalow with attached double garage.
  committee report 
  Appendices Site location and elevations 
  Apendix - Appeal decision Redmarshal 
  Appendix - Appeal decision stables 
  Appendix - Manor Farm 
  Appendix - Elton