Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 17th March, 2010 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
137  Minutes
138  Minutes
139  09/2516/REV - 4 Oulston Road, Stockton-on-Tees, - Two storey extension to the rear, single storey extension to the rear and conservatory to the rear (demolition of existing garage)
  Appendix A Location Plan 
  Appendix B Existing Plans 
  Apendix C Existing Elevations 
  Appendix D Proposed Floor Plans 
  Appendix E Proposed Elevations 
  Appendix F Plans Showing Neighbours Extensions and Alterations 
  Appendix G Potential Extensions that could be built under Permitted Development Rights 
  Appendix H Views of Oulston Road 
140  09/3050/EIS - Land to West of Koppers UK, Port Clarence Road, Port Clarence - Erection of 49 MWe biomass fueled power station, with associated vehicle access and conveyor.
  Site Location Plan 
  Proposed Floor Layout 
  Proposed Elevations 
  Artist Impression 
  Artist Impression 2 
141  09/3072/REM - Land To The North Of The River Tees, To The South Of A1046 And Church Road, And East Of The Square - Reserved matters application for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the first development of 50 dwelling units within the home zone area with associated car parking, landscaping and infrastructure.
  Site Location Plan 
  Site Layout Plan 
  Artist impression 
  Artist impresion 2 
  Housing Typology 
142  09/3024/REM - Land at Ashbrook/Ringwood/Hazeldene, Ingleby Barwick, Stockton - Reserved matters application for residential development of 356 dwellings -
143  09/3025/OUT - Land at Sand Hill, Ingleby Barwick, Stockton - Outline application for residential development of 150 dwellinghouses
144  09/3028/COU - Leven Vale Dental Practice, Low Lane, High Leven - Application for permanent change of use to Dental practice
145  10/0117/LAA - Summerville Flats, Harrowgate Lane, Stockton-on-Tees - Application for erection of 1 non illuminated v-shaped hoarding sign.
146  Local Development Framework: Adoption of Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD).
  Core Strategy DPD Adoption Planning Committee Report 
  Appendix 1 Inspector's Report 
  Appendix 1 Significant Proposed Changes 
  Appendix 1 Schedule 1 Minor Changes 
  Appendix 1 Schedule 2 Minor Changes 
  Appendix 2 Revised Core Strategy for Adoption. 
147  Local Development Framework Steering Group Minutes -
148  1. Appeal - Mr C Morris - 4 Central Street Yarm - 08/3138/FUL - DISMISSED - 2. Appeal - Mr I Cumisky - 87 Bishopton Road West Stockton on Tees - 09/1072/FUL - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS - 3. Appeal - Mr Mark Edwards - Ace Tarpaulins Dovecot Street Stockton on Tees - 09/0637/OUT - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS. - Costs Decision - ALLOWED
  Appeal 1. 
  Appeal 2. 
  Appeal 3. & Costs