Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 16th March, 2022 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
58  Evacuation Procedure
60  Draft minutes from the Planning Committee meeting which was held on 19th January 2022
61  21/2474/COU - 117 High Street, Norton, TS20 1AA - Application for change of use of part of the rear garden area to provide outdoor seating area to include 1.8m - high fence to rear in association with 117 High Street
  Planning Committee report 
  Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Site Context 
62  21/3005/FUL - Stockton Sixth Form College, Stockton Town Football Club, Bishopton Road West, Stockton-On-Tees - Application for the installation of 2no prefabricated seating/standing stands, relocation of existing prefabricated - seating stand and relocation of existing shipping container.
  Planning Committee report 
  Appendix 1 - Applicants supporting letter 
  Appendix 2 - Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 3 - Proposed Site Plan 
  Appendix 4 - Stand elevations - floor plans 
  Appendix 5 - Stand sections 
  Appendix 6 - Enlarged part site plan 
63  21/2051/REM - Wynyard Village Extension, Phase F, Wynyard Reserved matters application for the access, appearance, - landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 1no dwelling house, detached garage and annexe
  Planning Committee report 
  Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Dwelling Elevations and Plans 
  Appendix 3 - Garage Elevations and Plans 
  Appendix 4 - Proposed Boundary Treatments 
64  21/2991/FUL - Bishopton Centre, Marsh House Avenue, Billingham - Erection of new 1.5 storey linked extension to two existing buildings to include external alterations to existing - windows and doors of existing buildings. Construction of new Multi Use Games Area, service access area - and associated landscaping.
  Planning Committee report 
  Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Existing Site Plan 
  Appendix 3 - Proposed Site Plan 
  Appendix 4 - Existing Elevations 
  Appendix 5 - Proposed Elevations 
  Appendix 6 - Proposed Ground Floor Plan 
65  1. Appeal - Mr And Mrs Bates - Handley Cross, Leven Bank Road, Yarm - 19/0345/OUT - DISMISSED - 2. Appeal - Mr J Davison - Tees View, Worsall Road, Yarm - 20/1621/CPE - DISMISSED - COSTS - REFUSED - 3. Appeal - M & P Knowles and McGowan - 342 Norton Road, Norton, TS20 2PN - 21/0729/RET - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS - COSTS - REFUSED - 4. Appeal - Ms Anna Levin - 88 Fairwell Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS19 7JB - 21/1534/FUL - PART ALLOWED PART DISMISSED - 5. Appeal - Mr & Mrs Leck - Land East Of 232, Cotswold Crescent, Billingham - 20/2819/FUL - DISMISSED - COSTS - REFUSED
  1. Appeal 
  2. Appeal 
  2. Appeal - COSTS 
  3 Appeal 
  3. Appeal - COSTS 
  4. Appeal 
  5. Appeal 
  5. Appeal - COSTS