Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 15th August, 2018 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
31  17/2777/REM - Wynyard Village Extension, Phase F, Wynyard - Reserved Matters application (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 280no dwellinghouses with associated infrastructure within phase F, Wynyard Woods, Stockton
  Committee Report 
  Appendix 1; Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Site plan 
  Appendix 3 - Site Layout 1 
  Appendix 4 - Site layout 2 
  Appendix 5 - Charles Church streetscene 
  Appendix 6 - Robertson Streetscene 
  Appendix 7 - Landscape masterplan 
32  18/0244/COU - The Keys, 65 High Street - Proposed change of use of the rear landscaped garden area to a beer garden (A4)
  Committee Report 
  Appendix 1; Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Proposed site plan 
  Appendix 3; Site context plan 
33  18/0639/FUL - The Smiths Arms, Carlton. - Application for the erection of 2 detached houses to the rear, landscaping and associated means of access. Including reconfiguration of public house car park and beer garden including erection of gazebo and creation of an outside seating patio area to front.
  Committee Report 
  Appendix 1; Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Proposed site layout 
  Appendix 3 - Plot 1 details 
  Appendix 4 - Plot 2 details 
  Appendix 5 - Existing and proposed street scene 
  Appendix 6 - Topographical Survey 
34  18/1227/LA - Junction Farm Primary - School Single storey side extension comprising of 2no. SEN classrooms, a sensory room and other ancillary spaces. Extension to existing car park to create 4no. additional car parking spaces.
  Committee Report 
  Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 - Existing Site plan 
  Appendix 3 - Proposed Site Plan 
  Existing Floor Plan 
  Appendix 5 - Proposed Floor plan 
  Appendix 7 - Existing Elevations 
  Appendix 8 - Proposed Elevations