Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 15th March, 2017 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
112  Evacuation Procedure
115  Minutes from the Planning Committee Meeting which was held on the 22nd February 2017.
116  16/3022/REV - Land South Of Cayton Drive, Thornaby, - Revised application for reserved matters approval (appearance, landscaping, layout, access and scale) for the erection of 45 No. dwellings, access from Cayton Drive and ancillary works pursuant to outline planning consent ref:15/1466/OUT
  Appendix 1 
  Appendices 2 -Cayton-Drive 
  Appendix 2 ELG Appeal comments (2) 
  Appendix 3 Bassleton Lane (2) 
  Update report