Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 13th August, 2008 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
58  08/0740/FUL - 502 - 506 Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees - Revised application for residential development for the erection of 1 no. three storey apartment block comprising of 11 no. apartments (demolition of existing petrol station)
59  07/2126/FUL - Norsea Pipelines Limited, Teesside Operations, Seal Sands - Application under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 for consent to construct a 800MW combined heat and power plant
  Location Plan 
60  08/1431/FUL - Splash, Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees - Extension and alterations to existing leisure facility
61  08/2166/REV - 12 Holywell Green, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees - Revised application for two storey extension to side and porch to front(demolition of existing attached garage)
  Site Location Plan 
  Existing ground floor 
  Existing First floor 
  Existing Front and rear Elevations 
  Existing Side Elevations 
  Proposed Ground Floor 
  Proposed 1st Floor 
  Proposed Front and Rear Elevations 
  Proposed Side Elevation 
  Proposed Side Elevation Cross Section 
62  08/2111/FUL - 59 Teesdale Avenue, Billingham, - Single storey rear extension
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 2 
  Appendix 3 
63  Core Strategy: Publication Draft - Locak Development Framework
  Report relating to the publication of the Core Strategy 
  Appendix A Draft Publication Core Strategy DPD 
  Appendix B Sustainability Appraisal 
  Appendix C Appropriate Assessment 
  Appendix D Consultation Statement 
  Appendix E Infrastructure Strategy 
64  Planning Performance
65  1. Appeal - Price Right Properties Ltd - Baileys Blinds 68 Yarm Lane Stockton on Tees - 07/3077/COU - DISMISSED - 2. Appeal - Mrs S Camidge - Flat Development at Former Thornaby Autoparts Thornaby Road Thornaby - 07/3408/FUL - DISMISSED - 3. Appeal - Mr & Mrs S Wilson - 6 Burdale Close Eaglescliffe Stockton on Tees - 07/2906/FUL - ALLOWED - 4. Appeal - J R Byres - Carlton Green Thorpe Road Carlton - 07/3206/FUL - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS - 5. Appeal - Mr Colin Hill - Land off Priory Gardens Norton - 07/2417/OUT - DISMISSED
  Appeal 1 
  Appeal 2 
  Appeal 3 
  Appeal 4 
  Appeal 5