Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 12th November, 2014 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
75  Evacuation Procedure
77  14/2367/VARY - Morley Carr, Allerton Balk, Yarm - Application to vary condition no.2 (approved plans) of planning approval 13/2487/REM (Application for reserved matters approval (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of dwellings, provision of associated open space, recreational/community facilities and landscaping) to allow for a replan (affecting plots 148-177 and 251- 350) and update roundabout layout on Allerton Balk.
  Appendix 1 Original Layout 
  Appendix 2 Proposed Revised Layout 
78  14/2175/FUL - Plot 6, Development Site 17 Plots Bettys Close Farm, Roundhill Avenue - Proposed detached two storey dwelling
79  14/1687/FUL - Land North Of South Avenue, Stillington, TS21 1JX - Construction of 39 houses including 19 affordable dwellings and other ancillary works including access and landscaping.
  Update Report 
80  14/2359/COU - Chapel Road Youth Centre, Chapel Road, Billingham - Retrospective application for use as a motorcycle training school including playground to be used for training and use of 2 no. portacabins (1 no. garage and 1no. office)
  Update Report 
81  Planning Performance
82  Five year housing supply 1st July 2014 to 30th June 2019
  Planning Committee Report 