Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 12th August, 2015 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
27  Evacuation Procedure
29  Minutes of the meeting which was held on the 1st July 2015.
  Minutes - 1st July 2015 
30  14/2757/FUL - Land At The Grange, Wells Cottages And Land East Of Manor House, Egglescliffe, , - Change of use application to convert barns into dwellings, construction of dwellings and farm road
  Combined Site Plan 
  Proposed Plans Site 1 
  Proposed Plans Site 2 
  Proposed Plans Site 5 
  Site Plan 
31  14/2562/FUL - Land at The Grange, Manor Farm, Back Lane, Egglescliffe and Land behind Village Farm, Church Road, Egglescliffe, - Proposed change of use of farm buildings into dwellings, reinstate derelict old hall, detached dwelling and formation of farm road
  Site Location Plan 
  Proposed Site Plan 
  Proposed Plans Site 3 
  Proposed Plans Site 4 
  Proposed Plans Site 6 and 7