Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 9th January, 2008 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
111  07/2893/OUT - Norwood Car Sales Alma Street Stockton - Outline application for the erection of 7 no. storey mixed use development containing; retail and commercial space and the erection of 45 no. self contained apartments with 45 no.parking spaces and associated means of access
  Site Location Plan 
112  07/2406/FUL - Land at Thornaby Football Club, Acklam Road, Thornaby - Residential development of 42no. Two bedroom apartments, 32 One bedroom apartments and associated external works and highway improvements
  Appendix 1 Site Layout 
  Appendix 2a Block A Floor Plan 
  Appendix 2b Block B Floor Plan 
  Appendix 2c Blocks C and D Floor Plans 
  Appendix 3a Elevations Block A 
  Appendix 3b Elevations Block B 
  Appendix 3b Elevations Blocks C and D 
  Appendix 4a Amended Site Plan 
  Appendix 4b Amended Site Plan 
  Appendix 5 England and Lyle Response 
  Appendix 6a Elevations 
  Appendix 6b Elevations 
  Appendix 6c Site Layout 
  Appendix 7 Bingham Appeal Decision Letter 
113  07/2851/FUL - Land at New Road, Billingham - Creation of Eco Park including a waste transfer station, glass recycling plant, new access and associated landscaping.
  Update report 
  Proposed Site Plan and Sections 
  Proposed Security Hut 
  Proposed Office to Waste Transfer Station 
  Indicative Waste transfer Station 
  Inidcative Glass Recycling Plant 
  Indicative Glass Recycling Building 
114  07/2407/REM - HS120 Site, Wynyard Park, Wynyard - Reserved matters application for the erection of 119,041 square metres of storage and distribution (B8) and ancillary office accommodation (B1) floorspace and construction of roads and associated car parking and landscaping
  Update report 
  Proposed Site Plan 
  Landscape Masterplan 
  Unit A Elevations 
  Unit B Elevations 
  Unit C Elevations 
  Unit D Elevations 
  Unit E Elevations 
115  07/2525/FUL - 5 Darlington Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 5BG - Revised application for residential development comprising erection of 2 no. blocks of apartments (6 no. units in total) and associated access (demolition of 1 no. double garage)
  Update report 
116  Local Development Framework: Tees Valley Joint Minerals and Waste Core Strategy and Site Allocations Development Plan Documents (DPDs) Preferred Options and Sustaianability Appraisal.
  Minerals and Waste Planning Committee Report 
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 2 
  Appendix 3 
  Appendix 3a 
  Appendix 3b 
117  1. Appeal - Esso Petroleum Co Limited - Beck Valley Service Station Wolviston Road Billingham -07/0303/FUL - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS - 2. Appeal - Mr Patel - 84 - 86 Church road Stockton 0n Tees - 07/0379/REV - DISMISSED - 3. Appeal - Mr M Thomas - 18 Branksome Grove Stockton on Tees - 07/1500/FUL - DISMISSED
  Appeal 1. 
  Appeal 2. 
  Appeal 3.