Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 8th April, 2015 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
124  Evacuation Procedure
126  Minutes from the meeting which was held on the 4th February 2015.
127  15/0076/COU - Land East Of Rochester Road, Stockton-on-Tees, - Change of use application of open space for the installation of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and additional play equipment, erection of 6m high light columns, 8m high light column and installation of CCTV camera on existing street light column. -
  Committee Report 
  appendix a 
  appendix b 
  appendix c 
  appendix d 
128  14/3088/FUL - British Visqueen Limited, Yarm Road, Stockton-on-Tees - Substitution of house types from previously approved 45 no dwellings (plots 248-262, 343-349, 376-383 and 400-403, 407-417. No changes to previously approved plots 404- 406) to replace with 50 no dwellings providing a net gain of 5 no dwellings of planning approval 09/2385/FUL - Redevelopment of the former Visqueen factory, Yarm Road, Stockton on Tees, including provision of 474 dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure work. -
  Committee Report 
  update report 
129  15/0224/VARY - 331 - 343 Norton Road, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees - Application to vary condition no.11 (opening hours) of planning approval 13/1721/REV (Revised application for the replacement of existing buildings with 3 retail units) to extend the opening hours of unit 1 from 8:30am to 9:30pm all days of the week (inc. bank holidays) and Unit 2 from 8.30am to 11.00pm all days of the week (inc. bank holidays) and unit 3 from 7am to 11pm all days of the week (inc. Bank Holidays).
  Committee Report 
130  14/2816/FUL - West Acres, Durham Lane, Eaglescliffe - Residential Development for the erection of 81no.dwellings including apartments, public open space, associated access arrangements and landscaping (demolition of existing dwelling house)
  committee report 
  Update Report 
131  1. Appeals - James Harley - Mandale Retail Park Ross Road Stockton - 14/1666/FUL - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS - 14/1855/VARY - DISMISSED - 14/1856/VARY - DISMISSED - 14/1857/VARY - DISMISSED - COSTS APPLICATION FOR ALL ABOVE APPEALS -DISMISSED - 2. Appeal - Mr T Howson - Land at Thorntree Farm and to the rear of 93 Bassleton Lane Thornaby - 14/0787/REV - DISMISSED AND COSTS APPLICATION DISMISSED