Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 6th September, 2017 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
50  Evacuation Procedure
52  Planning Committee Procedure
53  17/0943/OUT - Land North Of Thorpe Thewles, Durham Road, Thorpe Thewles - Outline application with all matters reserved except for access for up to 40 dwellings (Use Class C3)
  Planning Committee Report 
  Appendix A - Site location plan 
  Appendix B - Approx location within Thorpe Thewles Village 
  Appendix C - Development Framework Plan 
  Appendix D - Proposed access plan 
  Appendix E - HTDM comments 
54  17/0511/OUT - Land At 18A Braeside, Kirklevington, Yarm - Outline application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for a residential development comprising of upto eleven dwellings, including two affordable homes. -
  Planning Committee Report 
  Original Planning Committee Report (16 - 8 - 17) 
  Appendix 1 - Location plan 
  Appendix 2 - Indicative layout 
  Appendix 3 - Illustrative layout 
  Appendix 4 - Kirklevington showing all development 
  Appendix 5 - HTDM comments 
55  17/1278/COU - 7 & 8 Vickers Close, Preston Farm - Application for the change of use from Industrial (B2 use class) to gymnastics and fitness facility to include industrial office (D2/B1)
  Planing Committee report 
56  Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 - Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation - - Publication Draft Stockton-on-Tees Local Plan, Policies Map, Supporting Documents and Evidence Base - - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2017) and Five Year Deliverable Supply Assessment
  1 - Publication Draft Local Plan 
  1.1 - Publication Draft Local Plan Annex 
  2 - Policies Map 
  3 - Sustainability Appraisal