Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 6th June, 2007 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
7  07/1136/REM - Land off Blair Avenue, Ingleby Barwick - Revised Reserved matters application for the erection of a children-s day nursery, community centre (D2 use class), associated car parking and access road
  Site Location Plan 
  Proposed Plan 
8  07/0770/OUT - Land at Wynyard Golf Club, Wellington Drive, Wynyard - Outline application for development comprising 150 bed golf resort hotel with ancillary restaurant and conference facilities, cr-che, health club, gymnasium and spa and key worker accommodation; replacement golf club house, golf academy and driving range facilities, associated access, parking and landscaping together with alterations to the golf course layout and formation of new water features and mounding and the formation of a landscaped park/amenity area for residents.
  Update report 
  Wynyard Concept Plan 
  Golf Club Plans 
9  07/0923/FUL - Northumberland Road, Pearl Road, Garnet Road, Mandale, Thornaby - Demolition of existing houses, closure of redundant roads and paths, and construction of 263 no. new dwelling units comprising new flats, bungalows and houses with garages, parking and landscaping
  Update report 
11  Planning Performance
12  Sustainability Appraisal of the draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document