Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 5th November, 2008 1.30 pm

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
107  08/2580/FUL - J T Dove Limited, Bridge Road, Stockton-on-Tees - Student housing development including related collegiate accommodation and external works.
  Site Location Plan 
  Site Plan 
  Elevations A and B 
  Elevations C and D 
  Elevations E and F 
  Elevations G H I and J 
  Landscape Plan 
  Proposed 1st and 2nd Floor Plans 
  Proposed 3rd and 4th Floor Plans 
  Proposed 5th and 6th Floor Plans 
  Artist's impression 
108  08/2566/VARY - Land To the Rear of 83-85 High Street, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees - Application to vary condition nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of planning approval 06/1348/FUL for the erection of 8 no. apartments to allow variation of design including reduction in height, revised elevational treatment and parking layout.
  Update Report 
109  08/2521/FUL - Wynyard Park, Wynyard, Billingham - Erection of 4 no. storey hotel and 2 no. storey pub/restaurant
  Site Location Plan 
  Site Layout Hotel and Inn 
  Hotel Elevations 
  Hotel Elevations 2 
  Inn Elevations 1 
110  08/1410/FUL - Wynyard Park Access Road, Wynyard Park, - Construction of access road and associated works
  Update Report 
  Road Layout and Location 
  Road Barrier 
  Slab Protection Details 
  Concrete Protection Slab 
111  08/0689/FUL - 529 Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees - Erection of 2 no. dormer bungalows
  Update Report 
  Appendix1 Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 Existing Site Plan 
  Appendix 3 Proposed Site Plan 
  Appendix 4 proposed Elevations 
  Appendix 5 Floor Plans 
112  08/2931/FUL - Land to the Rear Of Glenmarlen, Darlington Road, Longnewton - Erection of 1 no. dwellinghouse (demolition of existing stables and storage buildings) -
  Update Report 
  Appendix 1 Location Plan 
  Appendix 2 Existing Layout 
  Appendix 3 Proposed Layout 
  Appendix 4 Proposed Elevations 
  Appendix 5 Proposed Floor Plans 
  Appendix 6 Proposed Planting Plan 
  Appendix 7 Appeal Decision 
  Appendix 7 Appeal Layout 
  Appendix 8 Possible Amendments 
113  08/2638/LA - Car Park, Bishop Street, Stockton-on-Tees - Mural on wall of Bishop Street Car Park
  Location Plan 
  Proposed Art Work 
  Proposed Art Work 
114  08/2942/FUL - 14 Torwell Drive, Stockton-on-Tees - Ground floor w/c to the rear.
  Location Plan 
116  1. Appeal - Mr D Holmes - The Stables Kirk Hill Redmarshall - 08/0298/OUT - DISMISSED - 2. Appeal - Orange Properties LLP - 12-14 High Street Norton - 08/0827/FUL - DISMISSED - 3. Appeal - Kexgill Construction Ltd - Land 35 metres to west of British Legion Club Queens Avenue Thornaby - 07/3438/FUL - DISMISSED - 4. Appeal - Mr M Edwards - Ace Tarpaulins Ltd Dovecot Street Stockton - 08/0327/OUT - DISMISSED - 5. Appeal - 87 - 91 Oxbridge Lane Stockton -08/0371/FUL - ALLOWED (Condition No.18) - 6. Appeal - Balckburn Homes - 5 Darlington Road Stockton - 07/2525/FUL - ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS
  Appeal 1. 
  Appeal 2. 
  Appeal 3. 
  Appeal 4. 
  Appeal 5. 
  Appeal 6.