Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 17th August, 2010 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
36  Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2010
38  Minutes of YOS Management Board 13 July 2010
39  Minutes of Safeguarding Adults Committee 20 May 2010
40  Action Notes from Scanning & Challenge Group 7 July 2010
43  Providing Reassurance
44  (a) Recorded Crime & Disorder - (b) Recorded Crime - Long Term Performance
45  Community Safety Plan Q1
46  YOS Q1
47  Spend against Partnership Investment Plan
48  Policing in the 21st Century - Reconnecting Police and the People
49  Stockton Town Pastors: Evaluation
50  Hallmarks of Effective Practice
51  NHS White Paper: 'Equity & Excellence: Liberating the NHS'
53  Register of Interests
55  Communications