Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 16th August, 2011 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
20  Minutes of Meeting - 5th July 2011
21  Matters Arising - (a) Statistics (item no 4 refers) - (b) Metal theft and planning permission (item no 5 refers) - (c) Theory of Change (item no 7 refers)
23  Minutes of YOS Management Board 12 July 2011
24  Minutes of Safeguarding Adults Committee 14 July 2011
25  Action Notes from Scanning & Challenge Group 18 July 2011
27  Drug Related Offending
28  Recorded Crime & Disorder
29  Community Safety Plan Q1
30  Alcohol Stratgey Action Plan
31  DAAT Q4
34  Home Office Press Release - Empowering Communities and Building Safer Neighbourhoods
36  Communications