Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 12th May, 2009 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
1  Extraordinary General Meeting
2  (a) Minutes of SSP 17th March 2009 - (b) Minutes of DAT Steering Group 24th February 2009
3  Matters Arising - (a) Community Justice Initiative (Minute 137/08 refers)
4  Minutes of YOS Management Board 28 April 2009
5  Minutes of Safeguarding Adults Committee 19 March 2009
6  Action Notes from Scanning & Challenge Group 20 April 2009
8  Recorded Crime & Disorder
9  Community Safety Plan, Quarter 4 (January - March 2009)
10  Youth Justice Plan, Quarter 4 (January - March 2009)
12  National Indicators Relating to Safer Communities
13  Planned Reports
14  Merger Process
16  Register of Interests
17  Partnership Investment Plan 2009/10
18  Publicising Crime Reduction
19  Probation Merger Option
20  Counter Terrorism / Preventing Violent Extremism
21  Scrutiny Review of Neighbourhood Policing, Neighbourhood Watch and CCTV
22  Scrutiny of CDRPs / Councillors Call for Action
24  Premises Closure Orders
25  Renaissance Presentation
26  Forced Marriage Report
28  Comprehensive Area Assessment
30  Attendance Analysis
32  Communications