Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 10th May, 2011 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
164  Minutes of Previous Meeting
165  Matters Arising - (a) Sex Workers Research (No.2 (a) refers) - (b) Residential Rehabilitation provision for Sex Workers (No.2 (b) refers) - (c) PCSOs (No. 5 refers) - ACC Dave Pickard will attend the next meeting of the Partnership on 5 July 2011 - (d) News release, crime figures (No. 6 refers) - (e) Publication of PSA (No. 11 refers)
166  Minutes of YOS Management Board 5 April 2011
167  Minutes of Safeguarding Adults Committee 14 April 2011
168  Action Notes from Scanning & Challenge Group 28 March 2011
171  Prostitution
172  Recorded Crime & Disorder
173  Community Safety Plan Q4
174  YOS Q4
175  Spend against Partnership Investment Plan
176  Alcohol Strategy Action Plan
178  Domestic Homicide Reviews
179  SARC Report
180  Year 3 EIT Review of Community Safety & Security
181  Drugs Research
183  Communications