Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 9th November, 2010 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
78  Minutes of Previous Meeting - 28th September, 2010
79  Matters Arising - (a) Reply from Home Office re GONE (No.3(b)refers) - (b) Domestic Violence Awayday (No.3(d) refers) - (c) Fire Brigade Presentation (No.8 refers) - (d) Further analysis of numbers leaving treatment drug free (No.12 refers)
80  Minutes of Safeguarding Adults Committee 16 September 2010
81  Action Notes from Scanning & Challenge Group 13 October 2010
83  Unintentional Injury/Preventable Accidents among Children
85  Anti-Social Behaviour
86  Recorded Crime & Disorder
87  Community Safety Plan Q2
88  YOS Q2
89  Spend against Partnership Investment Plan
90  Local Public Confidence Survey
91  Funding Prospects, Partnership Investment Plan and Safe at Home
93  Integrated Offender Management Update
95  Communications