Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 8th November, 2011 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
61  Draft Minutes - 27th September, 2011
62  Matters Arising - (a) Responses to MPs letter about PBR (No. 3 (b) refers)
64  Minutes of YOS Management Board 18 October 2011
65  Action Notes from Scanning & Challenge Group 3 October 2011
67  Alcohol related offending
68  Alcohol Action Plan
69  Recorded Crime & Disorder
70  Community Safety Plan Q2
72  Register of Interests
73  DHR Procedure
74  Partnership Investment Plan 2012/13
75  Monitoring the Impact of Public Service Cuts
76  Consultation on Police Powers to promote and maintain Public Order
77  Equality & Human Rights Commission: Disability Hate Crime
78  National Non-Emergency Number 101
79  Stockton Town Pastors evaluation
81  Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
83  'Hub' at Stockton Fire Station
84  Communications