Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 6th November, 2012 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
83  Minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2012
84  Matters Arising - (a) Letter to MPs on LCTSS (no.14 refers)
86  Minutes of Safeguarding Adults Committee 18 September 2012
87  Action Notes from Scanning & Challenge Group 3 October 2012
89  Alcohol Related Offending
90  Recorded Crime & Disorder
91  Community Safety Plan Q2 Performance
92  YOS Q2 Performance
93  Consultation Strategy 2013
94  Restorative Solutions
95  ASB - Emerging Practice from Call Handling and Case Management Trials
97  Victim Services in Cleveland
98  PID - ANEC and NE Public Sector Prisons Partnership - Reducing Reoffending
100  Big Lottery Fund 'Fulfilling Lives' Programme