Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 6th May, 2014 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
2  Minutes of Meeting held on 25 March 2014.
6  Minutes of the Safeguarding Adults Committee 8th April 2014
7  Recorded Crime & Disorder
8  Community Safety Q4
9  YOS Q4
10  Monitoring report for Alcohol Strategy/Action Plan
11  ASB Act update and Community Trigger arrangements
12  Update on 'Give it a Go' project
13  Revised Planned Reports 2014/15
14  The issue of Sex Workers in Stockton
15  LGA Adults Safeguarding Peer Challenge Report
16  HMIC Inspection Report for Domestic Abuse
17  ASB and Youth Engagement Project
18  Transforming Rehabilitation Strategy update