Meeting documents

Safer Stockton Partnership
Tuesday 3rd February, 2009 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
100  Minutes of the meeting of 16th December 2008
  Draft Minutes 
101  Matters Arising - (a) Reply to Vernon Coaker letter (Minute 94/08 refers)
102  Minutes of Safeguarding Adults Committee - 15 January 2009
103  Action Notes from Scanning & Challenge Group - 19 January 2009
105  Partnership Strategic Assessment
106  Recorded Crime & Disorder
107  Community Safety plan Quarter 3 (October - December 2008)
108  Youth Justice Plan Quarter 3 (October - December 2008)
110  Reducing Reoffending Action Plan
112  Probation Merger option / NOMS
113  Review of Concierge Security Service
114  Stonham Report
115  Government Guidance on ADZs and DPPOs plus Drink Banning Orders
116  CSP Arrangements - Cabinet 5 February
117  Stockton Renaissance Annual Event - 13 January 2009
119  Communications