Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 8th December, 2020 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
14  Minutes of the Executive Scrutiny Committee meetings which were held on the 13th October and 10th November 2020
15  Scrutiny Review of the Cost of School Uniform - Executive Summary for Information
  Executive Summary 
16  People Select Committee - Scrutiny Review of Public Consultation (Executive summary for information)
  Scrutiny Review of Public Consultation - Executive Summary for information 
17  Place Select Committee - Scrutiny Review of Business Support and Engagement (Executive Summary for information)
  Executive Summary - Business Support and Engagement 
18  Chairs' Updates
  Adult Social Care and Health Update 
  Children and Young People Update 
  Crime and Disorder Update 
  People Update 
  Place Update 
19  Statutory Forward Plan
20  Executive Scrutiny Work Programme and Chair's Update
  Executive Scrutiny Work Programme