Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 23rd July, 2019 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
9  Evacuation Procedure
11  Minutes from the Executive Scrutiny Committee meeting which was held on the 25th June 2019
12  Council Plan - Annual Report 2018/19
13  Medium Term Financial Plan Outturn - March 2019
14  Councillor Call for Action - Obstructive and Illegal Parking Around Whitehouse Primary School
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 2 
15  Statutory Forward Plan - 1st July - 31st October 2019
16  Select Committee Chairs' Updates
  Adult Social Care and Health Select Committee Update 
  Crime and Disorder Select Committee Update 
  Children and Young People Select Committee Update 
  People Select Committee Update 
  Place Select Committee Update 
17  Chair's Update and Executive Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2019 - 2020
  Work Programme