Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 19th October, 2010 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
16  Q1 Improvement Report - Finance/ Performance
  Appendix 1 - Deleted NIs 
  Appendix 2 - Corporate Basket 
  Appendix 3 - FOI & DP 
  Appendix 4 - RIPA 
  Appendix 5 - EIT Review Update 
17  Year 1 EIT Review Monitoring Updates
  Advice and Information 
  Commercial Trading 
  Domestic Violence 
18  Enhancing Stockton's Value for Money Programme.
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 2 
  Appendix 3 
  Appendix 4 
19  Year 2 Reporting In EIT Reviews
  Procurement and Commissioning 
  Building Asset Review Scope 
  Building Asset Review Project Plan 
  Devolved ICT 
20  Scrutiny Annual Report 09/10
  Annual Report 
21  Forward Plan
  Forward Plan 
22  Report on Chair's Updates
  Corporate, Adult Services & Social Inclusion 
  Arts, Leisure and Culture 
  Housing and Community Safety 
  Regeneration and Transport 
  Children and Young People 
  Outside Bodies