Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 18th December, 2012 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
48  Draft Minutes - 23rd October 2012
49  Quarter Two 2012/13 Performance & Financial Outturn
  App 1 - Council Plan Monitoring 
  App 2 - Theme Summaries 
  App 3 - FOI, EIR, DP 
  App 4 - RIPA 
  App 5 - EIT 
50  Monitoring of Previously Agreed Recommendations - Legal Services
51  Monitoring of Previously Agreed Recommendations
52  Scrutiny review of Affordable Warmth
53  Forward Plan
  Forward Plan 
54  Report on Chairs Updates
  Corporate & Social Inclusion - Councillor Stoker 
  Arts, Leisure & Culture - Councillor Mrs O'Donnell 
  Housing & Community Safety - Councillor Cherrett 
  Environment - Councillor Cooke 
  Regeneration & Transport - Councillor Perry 
  Children & Young People - Councillor Inman 
  Adult Services & Health - Councillor Javed 
55  EIT Review of Learning Disability