Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 17th December, 2013 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
42  Evacuation Procedure
45  Draft minutes from the meeting which was held on the 22nd October 2013
  Draft minutes 
46  Qtr 2 Performance Report
47  Medium Term Financial Plan Update
48  Corporate & Social Inclusion Select Committee Review of North East Procurement Organisation
  Covering Report 
49  Scrutiny Work Programme - A Safer Place for Children
50  Progress Updates on Previously Agreed Recommendations
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 2 
51  Forward Plan
  Forward Plan 
52  Report on Chairs Updates
  Adult Services and Health - Councillor Javed 
  Arts, Leisure and Culture - Councillor Mrs O'Donnell 
  Children and Young People - Councillor Clark 
  Corporate and Social Inclusion - Councillor Stoker 
  Environment - Councillor Cooke 
  Housing and Community Safety - Councillor Cherrett 
  Regeneration and Transort - Councillor Perry