Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 17th July, 2018 9.30 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
9  Minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2018
10  Council Plan - Annual Report 2017-18
  Report - Annual Report 
11  Medium Term Financial Plan Outturn - March 2018 -
  Report - MTFP 
12  Children and Young People Select Committee - Scrutiny Review of Inclusion in Schools (Final Report for information)
  Final Report 
13  Place Select Committee - Scrutiny Review of Management of Memorials (Final Report for information)
  Final Report - Management of Memorials 
14  People Select Committee - Scrutiny Review of Mental Health and Wellbeing including Suicide and Self-Harm (Final Report for information)
  Final Report - Mental Health and Wellbeing including Suicide and Self-Harm 
15  Statutory Forward Plan
  Forward Plan 
16  Select Committee Chairs Updates
  Adult Social Care and Health Update 
  Children and Young People Update 
  Crime and Disorder Update 
  People Update 
  Place Update 
17  Chair's Update and Executive Scrutiny Work Programme
  Work Programme