Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday 16th December, 2015 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
46  Minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2015 - for approval.
47  Q2 2015-16 Performance Report
  Q2 2015-16 Performance Report 
  Q2 2015-16 Performance Report App 1 
48  Medium Term Financial Plan update - September 2015
  Appendix A 
49  Scrutiny Review Of Freedom Of Information Requests
  Scrutiny Review Of Freedom Of Information Requests Report 
50  Statutory Forward Plan
  Stat, Plan 
51  Executive Scrutiny Work Programme 2015/16
52  Reports on Chairs' Updates
  Adult Services and Health - Councillor Javed 
  Crime and Disorder - Councillor Paul Baker 
  Children and Young People - Councillor Carol Clark 
  People - Councillor O'Donnell 
  Place - Councillor Brown