Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 16th November, 2010 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
25  Minutes of Previous Meeting - 19th October, 2010
26  Task and Finish Scrutiny Review of Outside Bodies
  Scrutiny Review of Outside Bodies Report 
27  Review of Taxi Licensing
  Housing and Community Safety Select Committee Final Report 
28  Review of Fair Access to Care Services
29  Forward Plan
  Forward Plan 
30  Report on Chair's Updates
  Corporate, Adult Services & Social Inclusion (Councillor Stoker) 
  Arts, Leisure and Culture (Councillor Mrs O'Donnell) 
  Housing and Community Safety (Councillor Cherrett) 
  Environment (Councillor Mrs Rigg) 
  Regeneration and Transport (Councillor Perry) 
  Children and Young People (Councillor Harrington) 
  Health (Councillor Mrs Cains)