Meeting documents

Executive Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 8th May, 2012 10.00 am

Business Items
   Minutes of Meeting 
1  Evacuation Procedure
  Evacuation Procedure 
4  Minutes of Previous Meeting - 27th March 2012
5  EIT Review of Legal Services - Action Plan for Agreed Recommendations
6  EIT Review of Commissioned Carers and Independent Living Services
7  EIT Review of School Effectiveness
  Appendix 1 
  Appendix 3 
  Appendix 4 
8  Cleveland Fire Authority - Task and Finish Review
9  Gated Communities - Referral from Council
10  Forward Plan
  Forward Plan 
11  Report on Chairs Updates
  Corporate and Social Inclusion - Councillor Stoker 
  Arts, Leisure and Culture - Councillor O'Donnell 
  Housing and Community Safety - Councillor Cherrett 
  Environment - Councillor Cooke 
  Regeneration and Transport - Councillor Perry 
  Children and Young People - Councillor Inman 
  Adult Services and Health - Councillor Javed